Every Fourth Saturday of the month
Time: 09:00am
Place: Southside of the Central Library Downtown-40 E St Clair St, Indianapolis, IN 46204
The Mission of COTLG-INDY HOMELESS OUTREACH MINISTRY is to minister to the spiritual and physical needs of the poor/homeless/needy and others in the city of Indianapolis and surrounding areas by:
- Helping to meet their spiritual needs by reaching them for Christ through personal and group Evangelism, Prayers, Bible Study, distribution of bibles, and other Christian literature/ministries deemed necessary, and follow-up as much as possible
- Helping meet their physical needs by distribution of such things as:
a. Food and Drinks
b. Toiletries
c. Clothing
d. Shelter items
e. Personal material needs as necessary
f. Other supportive items to enhance their physical and spiritual existence