Why Youth Ministry is Important in the Church of the Living God
Young People are the foundation of our growing worshipers. The Church of the Living God seek out to encourage spiritual stability within our families – by immersing our children in an enriching educational environment that is steeped in solid biblical knowledge.
We are devoted to modeling Jesus Christ and sharing the gospel through the consistent nurturing, interactions of children, teachers and staff in classroom teaching, in praise and worship and activities that unite us with our neighbors and community.
Youth Ministry is the Church’s efforts to help each & every young person grow personally & spiritually.
Training young people to lead the cause of Christ, and apply Christianity to every area of life is what “youth ministry” is about. If we don’t know that, the kids won’t either.
Youth ministry is more than programs and events.
Youth Ministry is designed to help spiritually train and equip teens in a fun and Godly atmosphere to the Glory of God.Youth Ministry is an umbrella term that describes the systematic attention the faith community gives to young people which enables them to reach their full God created potential. That is, everything the faith community is involved in that promotes both healthy development and faith growth in adolescents.
Youth Ministry works to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person and seeks to draw young people into responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the faith community.
Youth ministry is the Church in its pastoral concern, reaching out to young people to embrace their gifts and to walk with them in their process of becoming all they can be.
Youth Ministry is defined as the response of the Church to the needs of young people, fostering their faith in Jesus Christ and their communion with the Blessed Trinity, and drawing them into responsible participation in the life, mission and ministry of the Church.
Youth Ministry is fun, faith, and friends, usually with a little food added to keep our engines going!
Youth Ministry is a series of programs and activities to give young people a chance to participate in Church life, develop their own faith and spirituality, and discover new friendships
Church of the Living God Youth Church
Mission Statement
The Youth Ministries of the Church of the Living God strive to empower young people to develop strong moral character. We seek to assist them in their spiritual and natural lives, by providing them with biblical enrichment and economic empowerment.
Our Mission Commitment:
We are committed to cultivating the gifts that God has given our youth by providing them with opportunities and formats locally and nationally whereby they can receive leadership.
We are committed to helping the youth make personal confession of faith then equipping them for discipleship in the fellowship of the church and for serving God in his total mission for the world
We are committed to strengthening our youth to resist the influences of a God-less society and teach our youth to become “lights” and “leaders” in the environment in which they live.